We had the most beautiful get together on Wednesday 12/23, one I was certain wasn't going to happen! Originally planned as a Yule ritual for the Winter Solstice which was Monday, when Mother Nature decided to send a blizzard our way the 2 days before...I was convinced my firepot was buried under 2ft of heavy, wet snow. How was I to burn my Yule log amid this?
When I told the kids the ritual was cancelled the disappointment I received in return was more than I could bare. So...what started as a Yule ritual ended up as a Yule ritual/Christmas dessert party...a house full of my family.
My children, their best friends, which have become my children as well, and husbands. Everyone was excited over their gifts!
The ritual was short because it was freezing outside, but it was comfortable, and well received, and everyone loved it, I'm begining to consider inviting them to subsequent solsticice events!
I can't remember when I felt at such peace with the Goddess.
Musing about crochet, parenting, books, life on Long Island. Observations from a Mom who is learning many new things as she tuns 40 :O)
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Exciting new project!
As many of you are aware, I am an avid reader. I often enter book giveaways and have even won a few! Well today I was contacted by a lovely author Fiona Robyn, I had entered the giveaway for her book Thaw, but unfortunately didn't win. Well Fiona wrote to tell me about an exciting new project she is beginning on March 1st of next year, that I can hardly wait to begin! She has published the first page already, I guarantee if you read it you'll be hooked!
Fiona will be publishing her entire novel here Read Thaw in blog format.
Fiona will be publishing her entire novel here Read Thaw in blog format.
If you're a blogger and you'd like to join in, email fiona at fiona@fionarobyn.com. Once you're on the list she will add your blog to Friends of Thaw .
I am so excited to have the opportunity to help out this wonderful author while joining in on this groundbreaking experience, I sincerely hope you all will come along for the ride.
A talented designer I discovered!
So...while checking out crochetpatterncentral.com's newest free patterns I happened upon THE most creative designer on Etsy I've seen yet! I don't know how I've missed her and her breathtaking doilies since now, but boy I'm sure glad she decided to share that free angel pattern!
and her AMAZING patterns can be found at her Etsy shop
I just had to share, and you all know I don't do this very often, but this lady has talent, and it's original talent. Not your everyday creations. Maybe you'll find that holiday gift you were looking for?
and her AMAZING patterns can be found at her Etsy shop
I just had to share, and you all know I don't do this very often, but this lady has talent, and it's original talent. Not your everyday creations. Maybe you'll find that holiday gift you were looking for?
Christmas already?
I can hardly believe it's almost Christmas! I am totally unprepared this year, it's December 8th and I have not purchased one single gift yet, can you imagine? That is so unlike me!
I better hop to it, I also started making my crochet list. I've decided I'm not putting any additional pressure on myself, but there are a few presents I really, sincerely WANT to make!! It's not the type of year where I'm dreading making gifts and I have the deadline hanging over my head...I have chosen people I want to create for and I'm looking for the ideal pattern and when I find it, I'm hoping it will actually be FUN!
I'll be creating a list of quick and easy gift suggestions for last minute gifts I've often used in the past for those of you that like to make homemade gifts for teachers, bus drivers, the mail carrier, etc. So be on the lookout for that...also feel free to add to it, I can always use a few suggestions as well :O)
I better hop to it, I also started making my crochet list. I've decided I'm not putting any additional pressure on myself, but there are a few presents I really, sincerely WANT to make!! It's not the type of year where I'm dreading making gifts and I have the deadline hanging over my head...I have chosen people I want to create for and I'm looking for the ideal pattern and when I find it, I'm hoping it will actually be FUN!
I'll be creating a list of quick and easy gift suggestions for last minute gifts I've often used in the past for those of you that like to make homemade gifts for teachers, bus drivers, the mail carrier, etc. So be on the lookout for that...also feel free to add to it, I can always use a few suggestions as well :O)
Welcome Fall
Fall seems to successfully made it's way in and taken over the nights, while the days are still warmed by the strength of the Indian Summer sun. This is most definitely my favorite time of year. My yard is full, and I am not exaggerating when I say FULL of acorns from just one mighty oak tree.
Pumpkins are everywhere you look, yes the fire dept. is having their annual sale! The kids are so excited, already deciding what they will be for Halloween...Samhain...the New Year, we will have a beautiful celebration, it's a Saturday this year there is no excuse not to prepare a great day for everyone!
The gourds are especially interesting this year too!
This chilly weather is great cooking and baking weather too. I am finally getting back in the mood to make soup and chowder, bake bread, so nourishing not only to the body but also to the soul.
Stay tuned for my favorite soup and bread recipes, they'll include soup for the crock pot and bread for the bread machine. Also, if you have a recipe you'd like to share...PLEASE feel free, as long as it's vegetarian friendly.
Pumpkins are everywhere you look, yes the fire dept. is having their annual sale! The kids are so excited, already deciding what they will be for Halloween...Samhain...the New Year, we will have a beautiful celebration, it's a Saturday this year there is no excuse not to prepare a great day for everyone!
The gourds are especially interesting this year too!
This chilly weather is great cooking and baking weather too. I am finally getting back in the mood to make soup and chowder, bake bread, so nourishing not only to the body but also to the soul.
Stay tuned for my favorite soup and bread recipes, they'll include soup for the crock pot and bread for the bread machine. Also, if you have a recipe you'd like to share...PLEASE feel free, as long as it's vegetarian friendly.
Today is the last day of the first week of school. We made it...ok so it was only 3 days, but it was a rough 3 days! Actually we settled into a very nice schedule, and it makes it so much easier that everyone is so happy with their teachers and teams and friends that Mom is breathing a very big *sigh* of relief.
Now originally I was worried about Axel going to North Coleman and getting the others on the bus and making the preK doors, but it's actually working out fine. Axel loves PreK, he was only a little freaked out by the one kid screaming for his mother, LOL.
MacKenzie is excited about 3rd grade and learning Social Studies and Science, until we explained that she has been learning Social Studies and Science all this time from her other teachers, just not out of a text book, LOL. She was a tad disappointed...but she had sooo much fun doing her "About Me" poster and was thrilled to find out she'll be learning the Recorder!!
I don't know how I will go about dilluting the pressure of the state tests on her this year, the school does make a big deal out of it because it's important for their funding or whatever, but I'm worried about her putting too much pressure on herself and freezing.
Now Angus is already LOVING first grade, he is so happy he got the teacher he wanted, MacKenzie's first grade teacher, who happens to be the sweetest most loving woman in the school. Angus will flourish in this nuturing enviornment, he will learn an amazing amount because Beth Forrester will encourage his own natural inquisitivness and curiosity based learning style. He will feel safe to ask questions beyond the realm of first grade knowledge, so he'll never be bored!
I'm sooo happy!!
I'm looking forward to a GREAT year!
Now originally I was worried about Axel going to North Coleman and getting the others on the bus and making the preK doors, but it's actually working out fine. Axel loves PreK, he was only a little freaked out by the one kid screaming for his mother, LOL.
MacKenzie is excited about 3rd grade and learning Social Studies and Science, until we explained that she has been learning Social Studies and Science all this time from her other teachers, just not out of a text book, LOL. She was a tad disappointed...but she had sooo much fun doing her "About Me" poster and was thrilled to find out she'll be learning the Recorder!!
I don't know how I will go about dilluting the pressure of the state tests on her this year, the school does make a big deal out of it because it's important for their funding or whatever, but I'm worried about her putting too much pressure on herself and freezing.
Now Angus is already LOVING first grade, he is so happy he got the teacher he wanted, MacKenzie's first grade teacher, who happens to be the sweetest most loving woman in the school. Angus will flourish in this nuturing enviornment, he will learn an amazing amount because Beth Forrester will encourage his own natural inquisitivness and curiosity based learning style. He will feel safe to ask questions beyond the realm of first grade knowledge, so he'll never be bored!
I'm sooo happy!!
I'm looking forward to a GREAT year!
It's so hard to believe it was 8 years ago today the towers came down. In so many ways it seems like yesterday, and in others 100 years ago. I'm still mourning my towers, still angry there's nothing there where they once stood, what's the hold up?
Re-build them already!!! Show the bastards EXACTLY how strong America really is as a nation.
Well that's my stance on 9/11 and I'll never forget where I was that day,like every other American. This is in memory of everyone lost that day, fireman, police officer, port authority, citizen, and their families who made the sacrifice. We WILL never forget.
Re-build them already!!! Show the bastards EXACTLY how strong America really is as a nation.
Well that's my stance on 9/11 and I'll never forget where I was that day,like every other American. This is in memory of everyone lost that day, fireman, police officer, port authority, citizen, and their families who made the sacrifice. We WILL never forget.
Slump has come to an end!
Yes my dear friends I am sooo very happy to report that my serious crochet slump has come to an end! At first I thought it was going to be a project that I started and put down and quickly became a WIP, which before long turned into a UFO...especially since it was a project which involved a brand new stitch. A crossed tripple crochet is one I've never done, so at first it was a little challenging, and yes, I admit a fair share of frogging, LOL, but I got the hang of it before long.
It's actually moving along pretty quickly. I would love to share pictures of my progress, but it's a surprise for a friend...who I'm not even sure reads my blog BUT I don't want to take the chance!
I'm actually very excited to be crocheting again. I had so many aprehensions about picking up that hook, I was afraid my work would be inferior...that I wouldn't be able to follow the pattern...the yarn would be difficult...a million things raced through my mind. Most of all everyone who supported me while I struggled through the difficult days of my slump. The people who understood how troublesome it was to WANT to do something and to have this invisibke force inside you holding you back. To want to break through this cloud or smog of unknowing.
So thank you all for your patience and understanding throughout this trying time. For reading, offering support, pointing me in several directions for assistance. What a wonderful group of people I am so very blessed to know!!
It's actually moving along pretty quickly. I would love to share pictures of my progress, but it's a surprise for a friend...who I'm not even sure reads my blog BUT I don't want to take the chance!
I'm actually very excited to be crocheting again. I had so many aprehensions about picking up that hook, I was afraid my work would be inferior...that I wouldn't be able to follow the pattern...the yarn would be difficult...a million things raced through my mind. Most of all everyone who supported me while I struggled through the difficult days of my slump. The people who understood how troublesome it was to WANT to do something and to have this invisibke force inside you holding you back. To want to break through this cloud or smog of unknowing.
So thank you all for your patience and understanding throughout this trying time. For reading, offering support, pointing me in several directions for assistance. What a wonderful group of people I am so very blessed to know!!
Exciting News!!
My oldest son is the bassist in a Death Metal band, Warborne. They recently competed in a local "Battle of the Bands" where they went 3 rounds with several talented older musicians.
They WON!! I'm sooo proud of all of these young men. They are so talented, it's amazing how easy they make it look. They really did deserve to win, they played from the heart; they put on a show like never before. I was so proud of them, of the talent, their commitment, and the obvious solidarity, which might have been part of what won it for them. Not to mention the awesome shirts they were selling!!
It's hard to believe they've only been together for a year.
The prizes they won are incredible, $1000, a demo, drumstick, guitar string and pick endorsements, and a 21 stop Northeast TOUR!!! YES my baby is going on tour, can you imagine?? I can't, he's only 18 he just graduated high school.
It goes by way too fast...
They WON!! I'm sooo proud of all of these young men. They are so talented, it's amazing how easy they make it look. They really did deserve to win, they played from the heart; they put on a show like never before. I was so proud of them, of the talent, their commitment, and the obvious solidarity, which might have been part of what won it for them. Not to mention the awesome shirts they were selling!!
It's hard to believe they've only been together for a year.
The prizes they won are incredible, $1000, a demo, drumstick, guitar string and pick endorsements, and a 21 stop Northeast TOUR!!! YES my baby is going on tour, can you imagine?? I can't, he's only 18 he just graduated high school.
It goes by way too fast...
Awesome application for your iPhone or iTouch friends!!! I just read about it in Crochet Today magazine...
"It offers four customizable counters that can track rows completed, pattern rows, increases, and decreases, making it easier than ever to keep track of your place in your pattern" Produced by Quilt2Go.com
It's available at the iPhone App Store..I downloaded it just a few minutes ago :o)
They also have a program to track your stash and for knitters, you lucky dogs you!
"It offers four customizable counters that can track rows completed, pattern rows, increases, and decreases, making it easier than ever to keep track of your place in your pattern" Produced by Quilt2Go.com
It's available at the iPhone App Store..I downloaded it just a few minutes ago :o)
They also have a program to track your stash and for knitters, you lucky dogs you!
So...please share with me what is on your Summer reading list, and I'll share with you what's on mine!
Well a few things have changed here on my blog since I've updated last. I've lost a few followers, one I'm not surprised...one I'm VERY surprised because I don't know why I thought we were friends and I'm sincerely disappointed that this little bump in the road would really disrupt our friendship and that disheartens me.
I've noticed a few of my followers have become anonymous...oohhh very mysterious, I don't really mind you can be shy that's fine with me :o)
Change number 3 and the most annoying of ALL and I must say it's really pissing me off, is this stupid music thing from my MySPACE, I don't know how on Earth I managed to get that there , but I can't figure out how to get it off!!!
So if anyone wants to add me to their MySPACE my url is
And that's my update for now...I'm keeping my chin up and moving on <3
I've noticed a few of my followers have become anonymous...oohhh very mysterious, I don't really mind you can be shy that's fine with me :o)
Change number 3 and the most annoying of ALL and I must say it's really pissing me off, is this stupid music thing from my MySPACE, I don't know how on Earth I managed to get that there , but I can't figure out how to get it off!!!
So if anyone wants to add me to their MySPACE my url is
And that's my update for now...I'm keeping my chin up and moving on <3
I sincerely hope everyone reading this blog understands that there is no viciousness here. There is no finger pointing, name calling, or ill-will.
I am devastated by what is happening to me over something so silly and I really sincerely wish for peace.
I have had enough distress in my life these past few months that I have no reason to cause any more. In an effort to avoid more trouble between women I consider family I left yet another loving situation where I had once found comfort.
Remember friends I live with an illness which causes me daily physical pain, some days I'm lucky if I can get a jar open, or sweep the floor.
We only get one chance at life why live it with anger and regret, we all make mistakes. I'm moving on. Maybe loom knitting is the way to go?
maybe I should make more stitch markers? OR Jewelry?
Maybe I need to really consider a peaceful life in Kentucky? Or maybe it's time to to go back to school for my Masters? everything happens for a reason, life is all about lessons...
we just have to remember to do the learning.
I am devastated by what is happening to me over something so silly and I really sincerely wish for peace.
I have had enough distress in my life these past few months that I have no reason to cause any more. In an effort to avoid more trouble between women I consider family I left yet another loving situation where I had once found comfort.
Remember friends I live with an illness which causes me daily physical pain, some days I'm lucky if I can get a jar open, or sweep the floor.
We only get one chance at life why live it with anger and regret, we all make mistakes. I'm moving on. Maybe loom knitting is the way to go?
maybe I should make more stitch markers? OR Jewelry?
Maybe I need to really consider a peaceful life in Kentucky? Or maybe it's time to to go back to school for my Masters? everything happens for a reason, life is all about lessons...
we just have to remember to do the learning.
Another update so soon
Things have made a sudden change in my life and I have to figure out why this keeps happening. My very favorite thing in my daily life, aside from my children of course, is my knit and crochet list AT My House. I post about it quite frequently here. In the past 3 years I've done many things for the list in a managerial role, created exchanges, wrote etiquette reminders, sent out daily free pattern emails, etc. I put my heart and soul into that list, only to essentially be called a liar even when I have proven myself otherwise and then when I go out of my way to do something extraordinary for the members I'm chastised like a child.
So I decided to step down as an exchanges leader, and I am no longer in a managerial role, truthfully after this post I may no longer be a member of the list at all. If that's the case then so be it, when you own a list those are your decisions to make.
I have made phenomenal friends on that list and I was sincerely only trying to bring them together for the greater good, so they could be more than just an email. I know the satisfaction that comes from that. Just ask LaDonna, Leanne, Barb,Sue,Penney,Cristal, etc. we've become family!!
I love these ladies.
So I decided to step down as an exchanges leader, and I am no longer in a managerial role, truthfully after this post I may no longer be a member of the list at all. If that's the case then so be it, when you own a list those are your decisions to make.
I have made phenomenal friends on that list and I was sincerely only trying to bring them together for the greater good, so they could be more than just an email. I know the satisfaction that comes from that. Just ask LaDonna, Leanne, Barb,Sue,Penney,Cristal, etc. we've become family!!
I love these ladies.
Well it's 2:33am and I've decided my friends who've I've never set eyes on, the ones I've never actually spoken to yet have been consistently been supporting me throughout this debauchery with my daughter, deserve at least a regular update on what's going on.
While I still don't understand what happened or why, and maybe I never will, I'm still deeply hurt by the whole thing. I will use this as a very valuable learning tool in raising my sons; in many ways I already have, but more on that later.
I don't understand how she turned out the way she did, not even coming or calling for her sisters birthday. Only calling or coming in fact when she needs something. She even disrespects her brother at his show...she really has chosen to distance herself from all of us.
But my therapist says I'm making progress because I'm learning not to blame myself, LOL.
Thank you all for taking the time out of your not so perfect lives to read this and support me, pray for me, leave me a comment, a word of guidance, I love you all I really do, I feel connected to you I do lean on you I read your blogs and I pull strength from them.
If that's the reason this has happened to bring us together, I can accept it, for that reason alone, for I have gained so much. Blessings to you all, for I do not know what I would have don't without you.
While I still don't understand what happened or why, and maybe I never will, I'm still deeply hurt by the whole thing. I will use this as a very valuable learning tool in raising my sons; in many ways I already have, but more on that later.
I don't understand how she turned out the way she did, not even coming or calling for her sisters birthday. Only calling or coming in fact when she needs something. She even disrespects her brother at his show...she really has chosen to distance herself from all of us.
But my therapist says I'm making progress because I'm learning not to blame myself, LOL.
Thank you all for taking the time out of your not so perfect lives to read this and support me, pray for me, leave me a comment, a word of guidance, I love you all I really do, I feel connected to you I do lean on you I read your blogs and I pull strength from them.
If that's the reason this has happened to bring us together, I can accept it, for that reason alone, for I have gained so much. Blessings to you all, for I do not know what I would have don't without you.
It's been too long
I have neglecting my blog for way too long, instead of using this as the useful outlet it was meant to be. Things have been happening in my life that have caused me to shut down. Physically mentally and emotionally. I can't even remember the last time I picked up a crochet hook to create something, which is extremely sad for me since at one time that was my greatest source of joy. A sense of accomplishment...pride in my achievement of my creation in how far I had come in this craft.
And now, I have been too embarrassed to tell anyone that I've sunken so low in this depression that I can't even concentrate on a pattern long enough to decide on a color of yarn I'd want to use let alone actually follow it long enough to see it develop into something.
Early in May my daughter and I were disagreeing on her relationship with her boyfriend and the amount of control he was exhibiting over her, (see older post) he sent me text messages, email and posted a vile video on facebook about how I should die and go to hell...etc... when my daughter did nothing to defend me our relationship suffered.
One day she decided to crawl out the window and not come back, for 3 weeks I had no idea where she was, I didn't sleep, eat, all I did was cry thinking about what evil was coming to her...no phone call, no text messages, NOTHING.
Finally I went to her workplace and confronted her where I stood in front of her with tears rolling down my face and all she did was go on about how the 2 "friends" bought her a whole new wardrobe and it was like a vacation, no stress, she basically laughed in my face. I couldn't speak, she didn't say she missed me she never said she was sorry, she never hugged me...nothing.
I got in the car and left. The next time I spoke to her was at the end of June when she came to her brother's high school graduation, where she attempted to make it all about her, but I refused to allow that to happen.
I'm grieving my relationship I had with my daughter, I don't know what happened to her. Did I make a terrible mistake?
I have all these miserable feelings going on yet at the same time I have 6 other children who she left behind as well. She didn't only do this to ME, she did this to all of us.
How did I raise someone so selfish? With no remorse? SO self centered?
Will I ever recover from this? Will I ever forgive her?
More importantly, will I ever forgive MYSELF?
And now, I have been too embarrassed to tell anyone that I've sunken so low in this depression that I can't even concentrate on a pattern long enough to decide on a color of yarn I'd want to use let alone actually follow it long enough to see it develop into something.
Early in May my daughter and I were disagreeing on her relationship with her boyfriend and the amount of control he was exhibiting over her, (see older post) he sent me text messages, email and posted a vile video on facebook about how I should die and go to hell...etc... when my daughter did nothing to defend me our relationship suffered.
One day she decided to crawl out the window and not come back, for 3 weeks I had no idea where she was, I didn't sleep, eat, all I did was cry thinking about what evil was coming to her...no phone call, no text messages, NOTHING.
Finally I went to her workplace and confronted her where I stood in front of her with tears rolling down my face and all she did was go on about how the 2 "friends" bought her a whole new wardrobe and it was like a vacation, no stress, she basically laughed in my face. I couldn't speak, she didn't say she missed me she never said she was sorry, she never hugged me...nothing.
I got in the car and left. The next time I spoke to her was at the end of June when she came to her brother's high school graduation, where she attempted to make it all about her, but I refused to allow that to happen.
I'm grieving my relationship I had with my daughter, I don't know what happened to her. Did I make a terrible mistake?
I have all these miserable feelings going on yet at the same time I have 6 other children who she left behind as well. She didn't only do this to ME, she did this to all of us.
How did I raise someone so selfish? With no remorse? SO self centered?
Will I ever recover from this? Will I ever forgive her?
More importantly, will I ever forgive MYSELF?
I haven't posted in a while, I must admit I'm in a crocheting funk. I've been having some issues in my personal life, my husband moved out I lost a potentially great career oportunity and my daughter and I almost had a GREAT wedge driven between us by her scumbag of a boyfriend.
BUT...through it all, I've learned some very valuable lessons. I've discovered who my true friends are, and that it doesn't matter how far they live it's how close they are to you in your heart. Kentucky, Michigan, Oklahoma, California...my family is everywhere, and no matter how much has gone on in the past few months, I am stronger because of them. I don't know what I'd do without them. I have to remember to thank them, although something tells me they already know how I feel...thats how family is.
So, if anyone has any advice on how to get out of this crochet slump I'd really appreciate it. I just an't seem to pick up my hooks. I look at my yarn and say wow I'd love to make that... or see a pattern and say I need one of those! But when it comes to creating it, it just won't happen.
*SIGH* I'm hoping some of you can empathize and share some words of wisdom.
BUT...through it all, I've learned some very valuable lessons. I've discovered who my true friends are, and that it doesn't matter how far they live it's how close they are to you in your heart. Kentucky, Michigan, Oklahoma, California...my family is everywhere, and no matter how much has gone on in the past few months, I am stronger because of them. I don't know what I'd do without them. I have to remember to thank them, although something tells me they already know how I feel...thats how family is.
So, if anyone has any advice on how to get out of this crochet slump I'd really appreciate it. I just an't seem to pick up my hooks. I look at my yarn and say wow I'd love to make that... or see a pattern and say I need one of those! But when it comes to creating it, it just won't happen.
*SIGH* I'm hoping some of you can empathize and share some words of wisdom.
AMH Knit a Long
Here is our very first photo of WIP(work in progress) thanks to Kendra who submitted two very nice shots of a weeks work, she's on row 18-
Excellent work!!!
Learning to knit/KAL
SO...my New Years resolution was to learn to needle knit. Yes, I know I've said this in the past, but I seriously am sick and tired of seeing a pattern and saying to myself .....OH, I'm going to make that for insert name of loved one here only to be disappointed when I discovered it was knit.
I learned successfully, to cast on and do the knit stitch which it pretty easy and surprisingly FUN!
Then came purling...and the beginning of my demise...
Purling is twisted and confusing and just plain evil. I simply cannot master it, is there something wrong with me? Am a spaz or do my hands and mind just not know how to work together?
UGH!!! I'm frustrated. However, I'm NOT under any circumstances giving up!
As for the AMH KAL, I decided to use a circular needle instead of straight and moved up to a size 4 with my limited skills I have a feeling this is going to be a lifelong project for me,LOL!
I learned successfully, to cast on and do the knit stitch which it pretty easy and surprisingly FUN!
Then came purling...and the beginning of my demise...
Purling is twisted and confusing and just plain evil. I simply cannot master it, is there something wrong with me? Am a spaz or do my hands and mind just not know how to work together?
UGH!!! I'm frustrated. However, I'm NOT under any circumstances giving up!
As for the AMH KAL, I decided to use a circular needle instead of straight and moved up to a size 4 with my limited skills I have a feeling this is going to be a lifelong project for me,LOL!
Me teaching crochet?
I never thought it possible. I have my very first student. She's AWESOME!
a little background~
My daughter had a few friends visiting one day and I was putting together an exchange, so I happened to show the shawl I made when Katie, jokingly commented that I should teach her to crochet! And I said SURE, because I believe everyone should know how, since it's so much fun. Well since then we've been trying to get our schedules organized so we could actually sit down and do it.
Thursday night Katie and I met at the library and sat together for about 2 hours, in that 2 hours this young lady who had never held a crochet hook in her life learned how to make a slip knot, chain stitch, AND single crochet!
Can you imagine how proud I am of her?
I sent her home with basic red heart super saver and an H hook as well as my copy of I Taught Myself to Crochet, (which is how I learned).
On my Facebook wall Katie wrote how she's looking forward to becoming an expert so we can crochet together. I'm so looking forward to that as well since I've wanted my daughter to learn for the longest time and she's tried, but it's just not her thing :o(
So many times I've thought about how wonderful it would be to work on a granny square afghan together, but I can't even mention that to Jill, LOL.
She loves the idea of hand made items, as long as she's not making them!! HAHAHA.
SO! That's my wonderful experience of teaching crochet, I'm anxiously awaiting our next lesson, and I am looking forward to Katie and I crocheting many years in the future together. I have a feeling she'll be challenging me :o)
a little background~
My daughter had a few friends visiting one day and I was putting together an exchange, so I happened to show the shawl I made when Katie, jokingly commented that I should teach her to crochet! And I said SURE, because I believe everyone should know how, since it's so much fun. Well since then we've been trying to get our schedules organized so we could actually sit down and do it.
Thursday night Katie and I met at the library and sat together for about 2 hours, in that 2 hours this young lady who had never held a crochet hook in her life learned how to make a slip knot, chain stitch, AND single crochet!
Can you imagine how proud I am of her?
I sent her home with basic red heart super saver and an H hook as well as my copy of I Taught Myself to Crochet, (which is how I learned).
On my Facebook wall Katie wrote how she's looking forward to becoming an expert so we can crochet together. I'm so looking forward to that as well since I've wanted my daughter to learn for the longest time and she's tried, but it's just not her thing :o(
So many times I've thought about how wonderful it would be to work on a granny square afghan together, but I can't even mention that to Jill, LOL.
She loves the idea of hand made items, as long as she's not making them!! HAHAHA.
SO! That's my wonderful experience of teaching crochet, I'm anxiously awaiting our next lesson, and I am looking forward to Katie and I crocheting many years in the future together. I have a feeling she'll be challenging me :o)
My Award!

Armina, the wonderfully talented lady who brought amigurumi to life for me honored me with this award. I am so thrilled to be grouped with such gifted and generous ladies! Thank you my friend. I wish much love and blessings to you this coming year, you deserve it!
Now I have to select 5 blogs and pass this award down. If I leave you a note saying that I am giving you this award then you can come back here and save this award to your own hard drive. Then post it to your blog with a link back to my blog. After that you can create a post with your selections of five bloggers and that is all there is to it.
It was a difficult decision for me to make in selecting 5 blogs. There are so many wonderful and talented people out there. Now it is your turn to select 5 blogs of your choice and link back to my blog. It wont be easy, trust me I know. Good Luck!
It was a difficult decision for me to make in selecting 5 blogs. There are so many wonderful and talented people out there. Now it is your turn to select 5 blogs of your choice and link back to my blog. It wont be easy, trust me I know. Good Luck!
My birthday roses!

These are the most beautiful pink roses I received from my best friend in Michigan, well she's my sister, mom, mentor, and best friend all in one. I love you Barb! And yes...they are crocheted!!!
Baby it's cold outside...
We're talking record temps here on Long Island, yesterday we hit 10 degrees, and it's likely to dip even lower over the weekend.
I'm not complaining...really, although my RSD is miserable when the weather is like this and my stimulator is wicked when it snows. I hope to get some knitting practice in. If I can't I'll practice sewing!! YAY!
See, who can't love being snowed in???
I'm most likely going to treat myself to a paraffin treatment which I was gifted from a lovely freecycler a few months back and that my friends is heaven on Earth to a girl with hands like mine.
I'm not complaining...really, although my RSD is miserable when the weather is like this and my stimulator is wicked when it snows. I hope to get some knitting practice in. If I can't I'll practice sewing!! YAY!
See, who can't love being snowed in???
I'm most likely going to treat myself to a paraffin treatment which I was gifted from a lovely freecycler a few months back and that my friends is heaven on Earth to a girl with hands like mine.
Your stash may be in danger...
I just learned about something extremely disturbing! A new child product safety law is threatening to to turn all of our artisan handcrafted heirlooms into contraband!
I love my country, but the lawmakers at times are seriously warped! Take a look at this and decide for yourself...
I love my country, but the lawmakers at times are seriously warped! Take a look at this and decide for yourself...
Secret Buddy!

I had so much fun making stuff for my secret buddy this Winter! But boy was it tough to keep it a secret, lol I'm really not a good secret keeper, I slip since I am a talker, so thank goodness I only type talk to her, LOL.
But it was a challenge making things for one of the most talented women I know!Here are a few pictures of what I was able to surprise her with...
KAL Participants
OK! The unofficial start date of the KAL is January 12th, but remember, this is a non-traditional knit a long, so everyone is working at their OWN pace, no pressure!
I've decided to keep a list of everyone who wants to participate in the KAL and their progress. Starting with ME-
I've decided to keep a list of everyone who wants to participate in the KAL and their progress. Starting with ME-
- Deb S
- Amy S............Chris...........Kendra
- Dawn ............Tracey N.....Donna
- Patty ............Veronica......Jan
- Jan ...............Sharon
- Gale..............Betsy
- Carol............Valerie
- Katie R.........Carolyn
- Sharon.........Linda
- Tracey.........Paulissa
- Laura...........Carol S
- Kay..............Barbara
- Sue...............BarbaraAnn
- Karen...........Elizabeth
Knit a Long
I think I may have come up with the greatest idea ever! How many people want to learn to knit, but have that mental block? I can't possibly be the only one!!! So...I was wondering if I made it my New Years Resolution to learn to knit could I maybe get some moral support from my friends on my yahoo group?
Of course I did, and when I posted it,I realized I wasn't alone! There are others who want to learn but are afraid to pick up those intimidating needles.
So I casually mentioned to Nina that maybe...with her help if we could get one project together easy enough for us to learn on but not too easy for those who want to brush up on their skills, could we quite possibly develop a learners Knit a Long?
and she said, YES!!
YAY!!! She found me this vintage pattern, which is GORGEOUS, of a shoulder shawl, done in a sport weight yarn.
This is going to be FUN FUN FUN!!!
Of course I did, and when I posted it,I realized I wasn't alone! There are others who want to learn but are afraid to pick up those intimidating needles.
So I casually mentioned to Nina that maybe...with her help if we could get one project together easy enough for us to learn on but not too easy for those who want to brush up on their skills, could we quite possibly develop a learners Knit a Long?
and she said, YES!!
YAY!!! She found me this vintage pattern, which is GORGEOUS, of a shoulder shawl, done in a sport weight yarn.
This is going to be FUN FUN FUN!!!
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